Kent Medical Campus, North Kent Enterprise Zone Business Center

Kent Medical Campus welcomes Industrial Strategy’s support for investment in medical research and development.

Kent Medical Campus, part of the North Kent Enterprise Zone, has welcomed today’s launch of the Government’s Industrial Strategy.

With the aim of making the UK the world’s most innovative nation by 2030, the Government has committed to investing a further £725 million over the next three years in the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) to respond to some of the greatest global challenges and the opportunities faced by the UK. This will include up to £210 million to improve early diagnosis of illnesses and develop precision medicine for patients across the UK.

Gary Watson of JLL, the property advisers for Kent Medical Campus said: “This is an exciting strategy when viewed from our perspective as its key elements – cultivating ideas, good jobs and greater earning power, upgrading infrastructure and creating the best places to start and grow businesses – mirror the philosophy of the Kent Medical Campus.

“In addition to delivery of patient care through KIMS Hospital, Cygnet Health Care’s new mental health hospital, and a step-down care unit, the Campus will provide a home to new and growing health businesses with a focus on the research and development of new medicines and medical techniques.

“Against the backdrop of the Government’s commitment to the field of medical research and delivery, this underlines the scale of opportunity and the importance of Kent Medical Campus to the future economic growth of Maidstone, Kent and the wider UK.”




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